Lake Tarleton Executive Board Meeting
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Tompkins’ home
Present: Rob Wipfler, Spanky Roman, Helga Mueller, Peter Ascher, Robin Ascher, Joyce Tompkins
Meeting Called to Order by President Rob Wipfler at 10:00
Robin Ascher explained that the Lake Host had received three complaints during the season. All of which were out of the control of the host or the association
Minutes from the annual 2022 meeting were read and approved with corrections
(Joyce moved and Rob seconded, all in favor)
Treasurer – Peter reported that presently we have $4,528.39 in our account. We have not paid anything to the Lake Host program. We carried forward $889.52 and received a grant of $2010.00. The town of Piermont paid in $150.00. We only paid out $690.00 due to poor weather and not having a lake Host for Saturdays. We may lose some of revenue.
Peter is ready to retire from the Treasurer position and will train Spanky during the year.
Water Quality – Joyce reported the results of the August testing and the quality remains high in every aspect. There were no issues with e-coli at the two testing sites.
Lake Host Program – Robin reported on the great amount of work she put in trying to find a Lake Host without being able to do so. Peter Alford who hosts at Lake Armington substituted on Lake Tarleton on Sundays for six hours. One possibility for next year is to have a staff member at Kingswood Camp take on the position as part of their contract with the camp. All other avenues to find a host will continue to be explored. All the Lake Host sites in the state were down on boats inspected due to the poor weather all summer. Joyce moved to pay the lake host for gas and travel time. Rob seconded. Unanimous.
State Park and Dam – Joyce reported that Travis Daley is a conscientious dam owner and has been keeping the lake level as even as possible given the enormous amount of rain. There have been many visitors to the state park and they have been considerate. Joyce rakes the beach each day and finds virtually no litter. She likes to think that, because people find a spotless beach, they tend to leave it spotless.
Loons – Our loons nested in their usual spot and produced one chick who has survived and is almost full size. The parents are still feeding the chick and on the watch for eagles.
Kingswood Camp – Rob reported a good season with about 150 campers. The site will host a wedding on 9/15 and the Commonwealth School will be in residence for a week after that.
WMNF Tarleton Project – Efforts continue to stop or reduce the project. There was a Zoom meeting of the objectors with Derek Ibargen, the Head Ranger. Unfortunately, he announced that the meeting would not be recorded and no notes would be taken. What the hey? Participants did record the meeting and feel his lack of recording or taking notes might help with any the future. Still waiting for word if he plans to proceed.
Association Decisions – We will not have a general meeting this year but plan to hold on early in the summer next year during the camp orientation so more folks can be involved.
Also Joyce and Helga switched positions. Helga will serve as vice-president and Joyce will serve as secretary. Joyce will send out an email for members informing them of the plans.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Tompkins
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Tompkins’ home
Present: Rob Wipfler, Spanky Roman, Helga Mueller, Peter Ascher, Robin Ascher, Joyce Tompkins
Meeting Called to Order by President Rob Wipfler at 10:00
Robin Ascher explained that the Lake Host had received three complaints during the season. All of which were out of the control of the host or the association
Minutes from the annual 2022 meeting were read and approved with corrections
(Joyce moved and Rob seconded, all in favor)
Treasurer – Peter reported that presently we have $4,528.39 in our account. We have not paid anything to the Lake Host program. We carried forward $889.52 and received a grant of $2010.00. The town of Piermont paid in $150.00. We only paid out $690.00 due to poor weather and not having a lake Host for Saturdays. We may lose some of revenue.
Peter is ready to retire from the Treasurer position and will train Spanky during the year.
Water Quality – Joyce reported the results of the August testing and the quality remains high in every aspect. There were no issues with e-coli at the two testing sites.
Lake Host Program – Robin reported on the great amount of work she put in trying to find a Lake Host without being able to do so. Peter Alford who hosts at Lake Armington substituted on Lake Tarleton on Sundays for six hours. One possibility for next year is to have a staff member at Kingswood Camp take on the position as part of their contract with the camp. All other avenues to find a host will continue to be explored. All the Lake Host sites in the state were down on boats inspected due to the poor weather all summer. Joyce moved to pay the lake host for gas and travel time. Rob seconded. Unanimous.
State Park and Dam – Joyce reported that Travis Daley is a conscientious dam owner and has been keeping the lake level as even as possible given the enormous amount of rain. There have been many visitors to the state park and they have been considerate. Joyce rakes the beach each day and finds virtually no litter. She likes to think that, because people find a spotless beach, they tend to leave it spotless.
Loons – Our loons nested in their usual spot and produced one chick who has survived and is almost full size. The parents are still feeding the chick and on the watch for eagles.
Kingswood Camp – Rob reported a good season with about 150 campers. The site will host a wedding on 9/15 and the Commonwealth School will be in residence for a week after that.
WMNF Tarleton Project – Efforts continue to stop or reduce the project. There was a Zoom meeting of the objectors with Derek Ibargen, the Head Ranger. Unfortunately, he announced that the meeting would not be recorded and no notes would be taken. What the hey? Participants did record the meeting and feel his lack of recording or taking notes might help with any the future. Still waiting for word if he plans to proceed.
Association Decisions – We will not have a general meeting this year but plan to hold on early in the summer next year during the camp orientation so more folks can be involved.
Also Joyce and Helga switched positions. Helga will serve as vice-president and Joyce will serve as secretary. Joyce will send out an email for members informing them of the plans.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Tompkins
Minutes of the Lake Tarleton Association Annual Meeting
August 21, 2016
Ascher’s Home
In Attendance: Joyce Tompkins, Rob Wipfler, Bob Wipfler, Alice Wipfler, Robin Ascher, Peter Ascher, Jill Muntz, Charley Muntz,
Helga Mueller, Ken Uline, Betsy Uline, Nancy Uline, Evie Conroy, Carlos Manrique, Bret Ryan, Sue Ryan, Scott Nicol, and Shirley Nicol.
Rob Wipfler, President, called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM.
Joyce Tompkins read the minutes of the 2015 annual meeting and they were approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report-Charley Muntz
The bank balance is $444.00. The remaining expenses for the year are $300 owed to New Hampshire Lakes for the Lake Host Program and $140.00 to reimburse Kingswood for covering the cost of the porta-potty at the boat launch. We received income this year for $1350 and had expenses of $1445.00 with additional revenue coming in from dues and donations shortly. Charley’s computer has died making it difficult for him to provide the normal complete report.
Water Quality Report and State Park Beach- Joyce Tompkins
The water was tested 2 times so far this summer with one more testing to be done on August 28. The results came back with basically fine results that have been stable over the years. The Chlorophyll is rated good; the Clarity is rated exceptional; the phosphorus levels were all low which is good; the conductivity levels do not indicate any problems; the Chloride levels are well below any concerns; Turbidity levels are minimal (good); E-coli was tested at five location including the northeast inlet (near Uline and DePietro cabins), the dam, the boat launch, sawdust beach, and the west shore (near the septic system). All readings came back at 10 or less. The public beach requirement is 88 or less. We no longer test the beach as the DES tests all beaches each week. There was a spike in bacteria at the beach when it was tested on August 12 resulting in cautionary signs being posted. The levels of bacteria were 95 (left) and 133 (right). The thought is that the drop in lake level, hot weather, and lack of circulation were responsible. The beach was retested on August 15 and the results were satisfactory (below 88) and the signs were removed.
Lake Host Program Report-Charley Muntz
New Hampshire Lakes Association provided a generous grant of $1800 this year, up from $1550 in 2015. The Lake Tarleton Association is responsible for covering some costs. We provide double the grant funding ($3600) in volunteer services. Paul Pihl was our main lake host for the third year and did an excellent job. Carly Sullivan covered some days. She also serves as Lake Host for Lake Armington. Kingswood’s CITs provide coverage during the week, working in pairs. Charley puts in many hours of administrative work.
There were no invasive species reported this year.
Robin Ascher voiced concern that many kayaks are still being launched at the state park despite signage excluding watercraft launching. See new business.
Website Report- Rob Wipfler
We have had good feedback and correspondence from the website. It is obvious that many people care about the lake.
State Park Report- Joyce Tompkins
The beach is cleaned daily. Most visitors are considerate although there were a few instances of partying at night with lots of trash left behind. The police have been asked to keep an eye on the park especially on weekend evenings. Most visitors are local families. Fortunately the Canada geese moved to Lake Katherine with encouragement from Millie, Ascher’s dog. Robin Ascher reminded us that we voted last year to have more signs made about boat launching. Armington has a wooden box and a kiosk explaining about invasive weeds.
Loon Report- Joyce Tompkins
A pair of loons nested, laid eggs and sat on the nest for several weeks and then left the nest. The Loon Preservation Committee biologist found the eggs in the mud behind the nest. They were intact but not viable. The water in the inlet where the loons have traditionally nested is extremely shallow with increased plant growth. With the low level of water in the lake the nesting site was high above the water, which might have accounted for the abandonment. Joyce will follow through with the Loon Preservation Committee (LPT) to see about the possibility of a nesting raft being installed next year.
Internet – Rob Wipfler
Kingswood now has very high-speed Internet using fiber optics. Installation was very expensive and the per-month cost is $700. Camp Walt Whitman also has fiber optics. There was some discussion about the possibility of high speed for the homeowners. The cost might be prohibitive.
Rob also reported the he will continue to maintain the Lake Tarleton website and encourages folks to send him photos. The site receives a number of visitors each month.
Emergency Services – Rob Wipfler
Piermont Emergency Management director, Bernie Marvin and Tim Cole from the Piermont Fire Department, met with Kingswood Camp personnel about the Warren/Wentworth ambulance being primary for the lakes area.
Carlos Manrique from Lake Armington spoke on efforts to change ambulance coverage from the Upper Valley Ambulance Service to the Warren/Wentworth Ambulance. The Piermont Selectboard has charged Bernie with investigating the situation and his report will be discussed at the next Selectboard meeting on 8/23/16.
At present both camps use the Warren service and have not paid any additional fees.
There was discussion on the problem of 911 calls to the lake. There is no cell service and people come from the beach to the Ascher’s home to make such calls. Bernie is working on improving the 911 numbering system, which may help.
Elections- Helga Mueller
Joyce Tompkins-President,
Helga Mueller- Secretary
Rob Wipfler-Executive board member
Rob moved the slate and Robin Ascher seconded. Officers were elected unanimously.
Old Business
New Business
Robin brought up the problem with visitors launching watercraft, especially kayaks, at the state park. It is a problem because there is no Lake Host inspection. A motion was made to have Robin and Joyce investigate more signage warning boaters about the need to protect the lake from invasive weeds. Charley said that NH Lakes has many signs that are available. There is a kiosk at the Lake Armington launch with signs and handouts. The motion passed and Robin and Joyce will talk to the State Park, Fish and Game, and NH Lakes about appropriate signage.
There was discussion about the possibility of a new cabin being built on the lake on the former Webster property, which includes the island. The latest news is that the owner has changed his mind and will not build. Helga will speak to them about the possibility of selling the property to the Trust for Public Land or working out a conservation agreement.
Peter will check with the Registrar of Deeds to find out how much privately owned property is held around the lake.
Betsy and Nancy Uline introduced the new owners of their lakeside cabin.
Lake Tarleton Dam – Rob Wipfler
Rob reported that a group of Tarleton residents, Rob, Joyce, Jill and Charley met with Henry Ahern, caretaker for the Hydro and the dam, who told them that the new owner of the Hydro, Kelly Seckheim, is very interested in keeping the lake level as stable as possible. There was a discussion about installing water level gauges to be monitored by volunteers, but so far nothing has come of it.
2017 Annual Meeting: Sunday, August 27, 2017 at the Muntz’s
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Tompkins
August 21, 2016
Ascher’s Home
In Attendance: Joyce Tompkins, Rob Wipfler, Bob Wipfler, Alice Wipfler, Robin Ascher, Peter Ascher, Jill Muntz, Charley Muntz,
Helga Mueller, Ken Uline, Betsy Uline, Nancy Uline, Evie Conroy, Carlos Manrique, Bret Ryan, Sue Ryan, Scott Nicol, and Shirley Nicol.
Rob Wipfler, President, called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM.
Joyce Tompkins read the minutes of the 2015 annual meeting and they were approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report-Charley Muntz
The bank balance is $444.00. The remaining expenses for the year are $300 owed to New Hampshire Lakes for the Lake Host Program and $140.00 to reimburse Kingswood for covering the cost of the porta-potty at the boat launch. We received income this year for $1350 and had expenses of $1445.00 with additional revenue coming in from dues and donations shortly. Charley’s computer has died making it difficult for him to provide the normal complete report.
Water Quality Report and State Park Beach- Joyce Tompkins
The water was tested 2 times so far this summer with one more testing to be done on August 28. The results came back with basically fine results that have been stable over the years. The Chlorophyll is rated good; the Clarity is rated exceptional; the phosphorus levels were all low which is good; the conductivity levels do not indicate any problems; the Chloride levels are well below any concerns; Turbidity levels are minimal (good); E-coli was tested at five location including the northeast inlet (near Uline and DePietro cabins), the dam, the boat launch, sawdust beach, and the west shore (near the septic system). All readings came back at 10 or less. The public beach requirement is 88 or less. We no longer test the beach as the DES tests all beaches each week. There was a spike in bacteria at the beach when it was tested on August 12 resulting in cautionary signs being posted. The levels of bacteria were 95 (left) and 133 (right). The thought is that the drop in lake level, hot weather, and lack of circulation were responsible. The beach was retested on August 15 and the results were satisfactory (below 88) and the signs were removed.
Lake Host Program Report-Charley Muntz
New Hampshire Lakes Association provided a generous grant of $1800 this year, up from $1550 in 2015. The Lake Tarleton Association is responsible for covering some costs. We provide double the grant funding ($3600) in volunteer services. Paul Pihl was our main lake host for the third year and did an excellent job. Carly Sullivan covered some days. She also serves as Lake Host for Lake Armington. Kingswood’s CITs provide coverage during the week, working in pairs. Charley puts in many hours of administrative work.
There were no invasive species reported this year.
Robin Ascher voiced concern that many kayaks are still being launched at the state park despite signage excluding watercraft launching. See new business.
Website Report- Rob Wipfler
We have had good feedback and correspondence from the website. It is obvious that many people care about the lake.
State Park Report- Joyce Tompkins
The beach is cleaned daily. Most visitors are considerate although there were a few instances of partying at night with lots of trash left behind. The police have been asked to keep an eye on the park especially on weekend evenings. Most visitors are local families. Fortunately the Canada geese moved to Lake Katherine with encouragement from Millie, Ascher’s dog. Robin Ascher reminded us that we voted last year to have more signs made about boat launching. Armington has a wooden box and a kiosk explaining about invasive weeds.
Loon Report- Joyce Tompkins
A pair of loons nested, laid eggs and sat on the nest for several weeks and then left the nest. The Loon Preservation Committee biologist found the eggs in the mud behind the nest. They were intact but not viable. The water in the inlet where the loons have traditionally nested is extremely shallow with increased plant growth. With the low level of water in the lake the nesting site was high above the water, which might have accounted for the abandonment. Joyce will follow through with the Loon Preservation Committee (LPT) to see about the possibility of a nesting raft being installed next year.
Internet – Rob Wipfler
Kingswood now has very high-speed Internet using fiber optics. Installation was very expensive and the per-month cost is $700. Camp Walt Whitman also has fiber optics. There was some discussion about the possibility of high speed for the homeowners. The cost might be prohibitive.
Rob also reported the he will continue to maintain the Lake Tarleton website and encourages folks to send him photos. The site receives a number of visitors each month.
Emergency Services – Rob Wipfler
Piermont Emergency Management director, Bernie Marvin and Tim Cole from the Piermont Fire Department, met with Kingswood Camp personnel about the Warren/Wentworth ambulance being primary for the lakes area.
Carlos Manrique from Lake Armington spoke on efforts to change ambulance coverage from the Upper Valley Ambulance Service to the Warren/Wentworth Ambulance. The Piermont Selectboard has charged Bernie with investigating the situation and his report will be discussed at the next Selectboard meeting on 8/23/16.
At present both camps use the Warren service and have not paid any additional fees.
There was discussion on the problem of 911 calls to the lake. There is no cell service and people come from the beach to the Ascher’s home to make such calls. Bernie is working on improving the 911 numbering system, which may help.
Elections- Helga Mueller
Joyce Tompkins-President,
Helga Mueller- Secretary
Rob Wipfler-Executive board member
Rob moved the slate and Robin Ascher seconded. Officers were elected unanimously.
Old Business
New Business
Robin brought up the problem with visitors launching watercraft, especially kayaks, at the state park. It is a problem because there is no Lake Host inspection. A motion was made to have Robin and Joyce investigate more signage warning boaters about the need to protect the lake from invasive weeds. Charley said that NH Lakes has many signs that are available. There is a kiosk at the Lake Armington launch with signs and handouts. The motion passed and Robin and Joyce will talk to the State Park, Fish and Game, and NH Lakes about appropriate signage.
There was discussion about the possibility of a new cabin being built on the lake on the former Webster property, which includes the island. The latest news is that the owner has changed his mind and will not build. Helga will speak to them about the possibility of selling the property to the Trust for Public Land or working out a conservation agreement.
Peter will check with the Registrar of Deeds to find out how much privately owned property is held around the lake.
Betsy and Nancy Uline introduced the new owners of their lakeside cabin.
Lake Tarleton Dam – Rob Wipfler
Rob reported that a group of Tarleton residents, Rob, Joyce, Jill and Charley met with Henry Ahern, caretaker for the Hydro and the dam, who told them that the new owner of the Hydro, Kelly Seckheim, is very interested in keeping the lake level as stable as possible. There was a discussion about installing water level gauges to be monitored by volunteers, but so far nothing has come of it.
2017 Annual Meeting: Sunday, August 27, 2017 at the Muntz’s
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Tompkins
Minutes from the 2015 Meeting
Minutes of the Lake Tarleton Association Annual Meeting
August 22, 2015 at Kingswood Camp
In Attendance: Rob Wipfler, Alice Wipfler, Bob Wipfler, Helga Mueller, Tim Sutherland, Polly Tafrate, Evie Conroy, Jill Muntz, Charley Muntz, Robin Ascher, Peter Ascher, Dennis McCarthy, Mike DiPietro, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Barb Fitzpatrick.
Rob Wipfler, President, called the meeting to order at 10:10 AM.
Robin Ascher read the minutes of the 2014 annual meeting. Mike DiPietro asked that paragraph 4 should say “western shore” not “eastern shore. Rob Wipfler moved to amend the minutes. The motion was passed. Robin Ascher moved to approve the minutes as amended and they were approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report-Charley Muntz
The bank balance at Jan 1 was $568. Since then we have received $800.00 in donations. We bought sweatshirts for the lake hosts and paid dues to the Loon Preservation Society. We have approximately 20 members. The membership is $20. Charley is still working on the lake host figures; the program runs through Labor Day. The Lake Host Program received a grant from NH Lakes of $1550, up from $1250 last year. We will repay Kingswood for the port-a-potty at the boat launch. The money comes from the donations from the two camps.
Water Quality Report- Helga Mueller
The water was tested 2 times so far this summer and will be tested again on 8/30/15. In addition to the deep spot, which is tested every time, they tested in June at the sandy beach and the boat launch. In July, they tested at the deep spot, in front of Candlelight and at the boat launch. In August, they plan to test at the deep spot in front of the homeowners association septic, and at the boat launch.
Results for ecoli to date are
June: Sandy Beach 2, Boat Launch 10
July: Candlelight 10, Boat Launch 10
All are within safety limits.
Helga thanked Peter Ascher, who helped with the water testing this summer. Both Peter and Robin Ascher attended the DES VLAP training in June with Helga and Joyce and learned the testing procedures. Robin passed around DES water quality information sheets about Lake Eutrophication, Lake Foam, Beach Construction and the Impact of Motorized Craft. Several people asked for copies. She explained that there were trays of water with weeds in them at the training but it was very difficult to learn the differences between the native and non-native species. Evie Conroy said that a biologist brought a Eurasian milfoil sample to the Lake Armington meeting. Rob asked where you would see the weeds first and Evie said in shallow areas.
Lake Host Program Report-Charley Muntz
There were 797 inspections in 2014, which resulted in a grant of $1550 from NH Lakes to the program. We have had 400 so far in 2015, but it is too early to tell what the final numbers will be. Charley trained 14 Kingswood CIT volunteers who put in a total of 63 hours. Charley puts in many volunteer hours training, supervising and tabulating the inspections. They added a new question to the lake host sheet, “Have you met a lake host before?” Twelve out of the first 45 inspected boats had not met a lake host before. Charley says that this indicates a new audience. Robin Ascher said there are many more kayakers. Rob said there are a lot of paddle boarders that we never had before. Mike DiPietro said that Paul Pihl is very good. Charley said he now earns $12/hr. Evie Conroy said that the cost of the port-a-potty could be sent in toward the town match grant.
Website Report- Rob Wipfler
Rob said that the website is working as intended, educating people who are coming here.
State Park Report- Joyce Tompkins
Joyce is away.
Bob Wipfler said that he thought $20 membership was a puny amount to keep the lake clean. Lake Armington Association dues are $50. Helga Mueller moved to raise the dues to $50 per family and $20 for an individual 18 or older. Charley Muntz seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Loon Report- Jill Muntz
There were no loon babies this year.
Internet Update-Rob Wipfler
Hughes Net satellite service has improved. Fairpoint will not give cable to 989 exchange. The state legislature would have to approve a change of exchange.
Ambulance Update-Helga Mueller
Piermont has not done anything. It is on the back burner. Polly Tafrate said she heard they are not going to do anything to change the situation. They had an emergency on Armington on 8/11 and the ambulance from Fairlee did a great job. Robin Ascher asked Bob Wipfler if Kingswood had paid Warren to become the ambulance for camp. He said absolutely not.
Lake Armington Association Report- Evie Conroy
The Lake Armington Association board meeting was last week. They had a biologist come with a weed sample as well as the new police chief and 2 members of the select board.
Elections- Helga Mueller
Nominations: Helga Mueller nominated:
Robin Ascher-Vice President
Joyce Tompkins- Secretary
Charley Muntz-Treasurer
Jill Muntz and Peter Ascher-executive board members
Robin Ascher seconded the motion and they were elected unanimously.
New Business
Rob Wipfler moved to buy a set of walkie-talkies from West Marine for the lake host so he or she will be able to reach the Kingswood waterfront channel in case of emergency. Robin Ascher seconded the motion and it passed.
Tim Sutherland asked if there was a 911 address for the boat launch. Rob Wipfler volunteered to speak with Bernie about it. He said that he would speak to him about the sign, which is visible from only one direction.
2015 Annual Meeting: Saturday, August 20, 2016 at the Ascher’s
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Ascher, Secretary
Minutes from the 2014 Meeting
Minutes of the Lake Tarleton Association Annual Meeting
August 17, 2014
In Attendance: Joyce Tompkins, Rob Wipfler, Peter Ascher, Alice Wellington, Helga Mueller, Evie Conroy, Jill Muntz, Charley Muntz, Robin Ascher
Rob Wipfler, President, called the meeting to order at 10:20 AM.
Robin Ascher read the minutes of the 2013 annual meeting and they were approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report-Charley Muntz
The LTA is $30 ahead of last year in funds. The bank balance is $1035.00. The remaining expense for the year is $300 owed to New Hampshire Lakes for the Lake Host Program. We received the following contributions this year: $405.00 in dues plus $800 in contributions from organizations and camps. Rob mentioned that Kingswood paid $450 for the port-a-potty at the boat launch. We owe Kingswood our share and Walt Whitman’s share, which they sent to us with their annual contribution.
Water Quality Report- Joyce Tompkins for George Tompkins
The water was tested 3 times this summer all with the result “Fine.” We have had stable results. The Phosphorus is ok, the Clarity is incredibly good, and the E-coli is near zero, well below the recommended levels. This is the last year that the 2003 E-coli problem caused by the geese will be averaged into our results. Plymouth State closed their water-testing lab but stores the bottles and supplies there for the DES so lakes in this area can pick them up and drop them off.
There is a new program that was piloted this year testing for Cyanobacteria, which is produced by Blue-Green algae. The algae blooms are caused by Phosphorus draining into lakes. We took a sample at the deep spot. Next year we plan to test at the deep spot, the inlet, and the beach.
Rob said that a resident has requested E-Coli testing be done along the more populated eastern shore. Charley Muntz said that there has been some confusion about iron deposits, which are all along the shore and that they are not from septic systems. There was some discussion about whether to add additional samples and how much they would cost. Alice said that more data is always helpful. The town pays for the testing now. Helga thought they would pay for additional sites-she will check. If so, Joyce recommended we test near Kingswood and near the residential septic tank. Jill thought we should also test in the cove where the three camps are on the opposite side of the lake. Joyce said that Lake Armington only tests their water once a summer and they have many more houses. Joyce moved to add two sites for 2015-one on each side of the lake. The motion was unanimously approved.
Lake Host Program Report-Charley Muntz
Paul Pihl was our main lake host, Nicole, his sister, was the sub. Paul did a great job, including handling the emergency on the lake in June very well. The paid hosts covered Fathers Day to Labor day, except for 2 weekends covered by local volunteers. Kingswood’s CIT program had 14 volunteers in the 2 sessions. The coordinator, Klaus is very busy. Maybe he needs and assistant for next year. Rob Wipfler said he would work on it.
There were 412 inspections thus far, which are down from last year, but it is too early to tell what the final numbers will be. Robin Ascher said that some of the fishermen purposely come before Paul to avoid inspection. Charley said that they are staggering the hours to make it harder to do this.
The program had less money to work with because Charley was ill last year and so the volunteer hours were less and that affected the matching grant. There was a $200 shortfall that the Lake Tarleton Association covered. The Haverhill Garden Club gave a $50 donation after Charley spoke to them about the program. Paul Pihl has asked for a raise for next year. The volunteer hours look good for a larger grant. There were no invasive species reported this year.
Website Report- Rob Wipfler
We have had good feedback and correspondence from the website. It is obvious that many people care about the lake.
State Park Report- Joyce Tompkins
The beach is clean. We had bad washouts on the path down to the beach after the week of heavy rain. George filled in 3 times. There seem to have been fewer visitors this year, mostly local. The geese have been there only 4 times. Robin Ascher reminded us that we voted last year to have more signs made about boat launching. Armington has a wooden box and a kiosk explaining about invasive weeds.
Loon Report- Joyce Tompkins
A pair of loons nested, sat on the nest for 2 ½ weeks and then left the nest. This was right after the heavy rains but also the same day that a canoe went into the inlet with the loons. The loon biologist checked the nest 2 weeks later and there were no new eggs-the loons did not try again. Jill said she saw and heard them wailing and fussing in that period and maybe they did lay more eggs which were taken by a predator. Robin said we do seem to have more birds of prey. We have cormorant and 4 great blue herons as well this year. Joyce said the biologist thought the nest site was viable. The loon preservation society is doing a long-term study of the eggshells and mercury.
Piermont Conservation Commission-Helga Mueller
There is no progress on the trail to the caddy camp. Still planning.
Accident on the lake June 21st- Charley Muntz
This was the first day of Paul Pihl’s lake host season. Paul came on duty at 10 am. At 10:45 he heard shrieking. He had no cell service so he jumped in his car and drove to the Muntzes and called 911, and then went back to the ramp.
Charley called 7 different official organizations to try to find out the response time and the details of the incident. Finally, he heard back from NH Marine Patrol who told him what happened. There was a father and daughter from MA in 2 kayaks. The daughter saw her father in distress in the water in a life jacket. She and another woman got the father to shore at the launch. There were 2 RNS there who began CPR immediately but could not save him. The official said he had a previous medical condition and this was not a drowning. Rob said that the first responders went to Kingswood and were directed to the boat launch. Rob said that Ellen Putnam from the fast squad thought the accident was at Kingswood because the 911 operator said “Water Accident at Camp.” The local responders didn’t know where the boat launch was.
Charley asked NH Lakes what they thought we should do about the communications from the boat launch. They recommended a pair of radios. Rob said that Kingswood uses channel 18 and that long-range walkie-talkies cost about $150. Robin Ascher asked if we could test whether they would work in the cove. Helga said that the problem was brought up at the select board meeting and they thought we needed a landline at the boat launch.
Lake Armington Association Report- Alice Wellington
The Lake Armington Association board meeting was last week. Alice requested that Colin Stubbings come to the LAA board meeting. Colin came with Tim Cole from the fire dept. They explained how dispatching works in an emergency: When you call 911, it goes to the Grafton County dispatcher who assesses the situation and then routes the call to Hanover. Hanover knows where all the ambulances are and dispatches one based on location and availability of volunteers. It could be an ambulance from Warren if they are available.
Colin and Tim also came to the Lake Armington Association annual meeting and gave a short overview. Colin would like more unity and community involvement. He would like to add a page about the lakes to the town report.
Joyce said that the town has a fledgling website which could be linked to the lake association sites.
Alice said that the Armington lake host program needs a new paid lake host-theirs is graduating. Also, Wendy Cahill who runs the program wants a replacement. Charley Muntz said that Nicole Pihl is trained and they should contact her for next year.
Alice said that we could train more weed watchers next year with the ones from Lake Armington.
Elections- Helga Mueller
Nominations: Joyce Tompkins nominated
Rob Wipfler-President,
Joyce Tompkins-Vice President,
Mike Wipfler and Helga Mueller-executive board members
Robin Ascher seconded the motion and they were elected unanimously.
Old Business
Robin Ascher reminded the group that we voted to raise the dues to $20 but have only been charging $15. The group voted to reaffirm the raising of the dues to $20. We also discussed the signage at the beach and Charley said he would look into it.
2015 Annual Meeting: Saturday, August 22, 2015 at the Tompkins
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Ascher
Minutes of the Lake Tarleton Association Annual Meeting
August 22, 2015 at Kingswood Camp
In Attendance: Rob Wipfler, Alice Wipfler, Bob Wipfler, Helga Mueller, Tim Sutherland, Polly Tafrate, Evie Conroy, Jill Muntz, Charley Muntz, Robin Ascher, Peter Ascher, Dennis McCarthy, Mike DiPietro, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Barb Fitzpatrick.
Rob Wipfler, President, called the meeting to order at 10:10 AM.
Robin Ascher read the minutes of the 2014 annual meeting. Mike DiPietro asked that paragraph 4 should say “western shore” not “eastern shore. Rob Wipfler moved to amend the minutes. The motion was passed. Robin Ascher moved to approve the minutes as amended and they were approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report-Charley Muntz
The bank balance at Jan 1 was $568. Since then we have received $800.00 in donations. We bought sweatshirts for the lake hosts and paid dues to the Loon Preservation Society. We have approximately 20 members. The membership is $20. Charley is still working on the lake host figures; the program runs through Labor Day. The Lake Host Program received a grant from NH Lakes of $1550, up from $1250 last year. We will repay Kingswood for the port-a-potty at the boat launch. The money comes from the donations from the two camps.
Water Quality Report- Helga Mueller
The water was tested 2 times so far this summer and will be tested again on 8/30/15. In addition to the deep spot, which is tested every time, they tested in June at the sandy beach and the boat launch. In July, they tested at the deep spot, in front of Candlelight and at the boat launch. In August, they plan to test at the deep spot in front of the homeowners association septic, and at the boat launch.
Results for ecoli to date are
June: Sandy Beach 2, Boat Launch 10
July: Candlelight 10, Boat Launch 10
All are within safety limits.
Helga thanked Peter Ascher, who helped with the water testing this summer. Both Peter and Robin Ascher attended the DES VLAP training in June with Helga and Joyce and learned the testing procedures. Robin passed around DES water quality information sheets about Lake Eutrophication, Lake Foam, Beach Construction and the Impact of Motorized Craft. Several people asked for copies. She explained that there were trays of water with weeds in them at the training but it was very difficult to learn the differences between the native and non-native species. Evie Conroy said that a biologist brought a Eurasian milfoil sample to the Lake Armington meeting. Rob asked where you would see the weeds first and Evie said in shallow areas.
Lake Host Program Report-Charley Muntz
There were 797 inspections in 2014, which resulted in a grant of $1550 from NH Lakes to the program. We have had 400 so far in 2015, but it is too early to tell what the final numbers will be. Charley trained 14 Kingswood CIT volunteers who put in a total of 63 hours. Charley puts in many volunteer hours training, supervising and tabulating the inspections. They added a new question to the lake host sheet, “Have you met a lake host before?” Twelve out of the first 45 inspected boats had not met a lake host before. Charley says that this indicates a new audience. Robin Ascher said there are many more kayakers. Rob said there are a lot of paddle boarders that we never had before. Mike DiPietro said that Paul Pihl is very good. Charley said he now earns $12/hr. Evie Conroy said that the cost of the port-a-potty could be sent in toward the town match grant.
Website Report- Rob Wipfler
Rob said that the website is working as intended, educating people who are coming here.
State Park Report- Joyce Tompkins
Joyce is away.
Bob Wipfler said that he thought $20 membership was a puny amount to keep the lake clean. Lake Armington Association dues are $50. Helga Mueller moved to raise the dues to $50 per family and $20 for an individual 18 or older. Charley Muntz seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Loon Report- Jill Muntz
There were no loon babies this year.
Internet Update-Rob Wipfler
Hughes Net satellite service has improved. Fairpoint will not give cable to 989 exchange. The state legislature would have to approve a change of exchange.
Ambulance Update-Helga Mueller
Piermont has not done anything. It is on the back burner. Polly Tafrate said she heard they are not going to do anything to change the situation. They had an emergency on Armington on 8/11 and the ambulance from Fairlee did a great job. Robin Ascher asked Bob Wipfler if Kingswood had paid Warren to become the ambulance for camp. He said absolutely not.
Lake Armington Association Report- Evie Conroy
The Lake Armington Association board meeting was last week. They had a biologist come with a weed sample as well as the new police chief and 2 members of the select board.
Elections- Helga Mueller
Nominations: Helga Mueller nominated:
Robin Ascher-Vice President
Joyce Tompkins- Secretary
Charley Muntz-Treasurer
Jill Muntz and Peter Ascher-executive board members
Robin Ascher seconded the motion and they were elected unanimously.
New Business
Rob Wipfler moved to buy a set of walkie-talkies from West Marine for the lake host so he or she will be able to reach the Kingswood waterfront channel in case of emergency. Robin Ascher seconded the motion and it passed.
Tim Sutherland asked if there was a 911 address for the boat launch. Rob Wipfler volunteered to speak with Bernie about it. He said that he would speak to him about the sign, which is visible from only one direction.
2015 Annual Meeting: Saturday, August 20, 2016 at the Ascher’s
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Ascher, Secretary
Minutes from the 2014 Meeting
Minutes of the Lake Tarleton Association Annual Meeting
August 17, 2014
In Attendance: Joyce Tompkins, Rob Wipfler, Peter Ascher, Alice Wellington, Helga Mueller, Evie Conroy, Jill Muntz, Charley Muntz, Robin Ascher
Rob Wipfler, President, called the meeting to order at 10:20 AM.
Robin Ascher read the minutes of the 2013 annual meeting and they were approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report-Charley Muntz
The LTA is $30 ahead of last year in funds. The bank balance is $1035.00. The remaining expense for the year is $300 owed to New Hampshire Lakes for the Lake Host Program. We received the following contributions this year: $405.00 in dues plus $800 in contributions from organizations and camps. Rob mentioned that Kingswood paid $450 for the port-a-potty at the boat launch. We owe Kingswood our share and Walt Whitman’s share, which they sent to us with their annual contribution.
Water Quality Report- Joyce Tompkins for George Tompkins
The water was tested 3 times this summer all with the result “Fine.” We have had stable results. The Phosphorus is ok, the Clarity is incredibly good, and the E-coli is near zero, well below the recommended levels. This is the last year that the 2003 E-coli problem caused by the geese will be averaged into our results. Plymouth State closed their water-testing lab but stores the bottles and supplies there for the DES so lakes in this area can pick them up and drop them off.
There is a new program that was piloted this year testing for Cyanobacteria, which is produced by Blue-Green algae. The algae blooms are caused by Phosphorus draining into lakes. We took a sample at the deep spot. Next year we plan to test at the deep spot, the inlet, and the beach.
Rob said that a resident has requested E-Coli testing be done along the more populated eastern shore. Charley Muntz said that there has been some confusion about iron deposits, which are all along the shore and that they are not from septic systems. There was some discussion about whether to add additional samples and how much they would cost. Alice said that more data is always helpful. The town pays for the testing now. Helga thought they would pay for additional sites-she will check. If so, Joyce recommended we test near Kingswood and near the residential septic tank. Jill thought we should also test in the cove where the three camps are on the opposite side of the lake. Joyce said that Lake Armington only tests their water once a summer and they have many more houses. Joyce moved to add two sites for 2015-one on each side of the lake. The motion was unanimously approved.
Lake Host Program Report-Charley Muntz
Paul Pihl was our main lake host, Nicole, his sister, was the sub. Paul did a great job, including handling the emergency on the lake in June very well. The paid hosts covered Fathers Day to Labor day, except for 2 weekends covered by local volunteers. Kingswood’s CIT program had 14 volunteers in the 2 sessions. The coordinator, Klaus is very busy. Maybe he needs and assistant for next year. Rob Wipfler said he would work on it.
There were 412 inspections thus far, which are down from last year, but it is too early to tell what the final numbers will be. Robin Ascher said that some of the fishermen purposely come before Paul to avoid inspection. Charley said that they are staggering the hours to make it harder to do this.
The program had less money to work with because Charley was ill last year and so the volunteer hours were less and that affected the matching grant. There was a $200 shortfall that the Lake Tarleton Association covered. The Haverhill Garden Club gave a $50 donation after Charley spoke to them about the program. Paul Pihl has asked for a raise for next year. The volunteer hours look good for a larger grant. There were no invasive species reported this year.
Website Report- Rob Wipfler
We have had good feedback and correspondence from the website. It is obvious that many people care about the lake.
State Park Report- Joyce Tompkins
The beach is clean. We had bad washouts on the path down to the beach after the week of heavy rain. George filled in 3 times. There seem to have been fewer visitors this year, mostly local. The geese have been there only 4 times. Robin Ascher reminded us that we voted last year to have more signs made about boat launching. Armington has a wooden box and a kiosk explaining about invasive weeds.
Loon Report- Joyce Tompkins
A pair of loons nested, sat on the nest for 2 ½ weeks and then left the nest. This was right after the heavy rains but also the same day that a canoe went into the inlet with the loons. The loon biologist checked the nest 2 weeks later and there were no new eggs-the loons did not try again. Jill said she saw and heard them wailing and fussing in that period and maybe they did lay more eggs which were taken by a predator. Robin said we do seem to have more birds of prey. We have cormorant and 4 great blue herons as well this year. Joyce said the biologist thought the nest site was viable. The loon preservation society is doing a long-term study of the eggshells and mercury.
Piermont Conservation Commission-Helga Mueller
There is no progress on the trail to the caddy camp. Still planning.
Accident on the lake June 21st- Charley Muntz
This was the first day of Paul Pihl’s lake host season. Paul came on duty at 10 am. At 10:45 he heard shrieking. He had no cell service so he jumped in his car and drove to the Muntzes and called 911, and then went back to the ramp.
Charley called 7 different official organizations to try to find out the response time and the details of the incident. Finally, he heard back from NH Marine Patrol who told him what happened. There was a father and daughter from MA in 2 kayaks. The daughter saw her father in distress in the water in a life jacket. She and another woman got the father to shore at the launch. There were 2 RNS there who began CPR immediately but could not save him. The official said he had a previous medical condition and this was not a drowning. Rob said that the first responders went to Kingswood and were directed to the boat launch. Rob said that Ellen Putnam from the fast squad thought the accident was at Kingswood because the 911 operator said “Water Accident at Camp.” The local responders didn’t know where the boat launch was.
Charley asked NH Lakes what they thought we should do about the communications from the boat launch. They recommended a pair of radios. Rob said that Kingswood uses channel 18 and that long-range walkie-talkies cost about $150. Robin Ascher asked if we could test whether they would work in the cove. Helga said that the problem was brought up at the select board meeting and they thought we needed a landline at the boat launch.
Lake Armington Association Report- Alice Wellington
The Lake Armington Association board meeting was last week. Alice requested that Colin Stubbings come to the LAA board meeting. Colin came with Tim Cole from the fire dept. They explained how dispatching works in an emergency: When you call 911, it goes to the Grafton County dispatcher who assesses the situation and then routes the call to Hanover. Hanover knows where all the ambulances are and dispatches one based on location and availability of volunteers. It could be an ambulance from Warren if they are available.
Colin and Tim also came to the Lake Armington Association annual meeting and gave a short overview. Colin would like more unity and community involvement. He would like to add a page about the lakes to the town report.
Joyce said that the town has a fledgling website which could be linked to the lake association sites.
Alice said that the Armington lake host program needs a new paid lake host-theirs is graduating. Also, Wendy Cahill who runs the program wants a replacement. Charley Muntz said that Nicole Pihl is trained and they should contact her for next year.
Alice said that we could train more weed watchers next year with the ones from Lake Armington.
Elections- Helga Mueller
Nominations: Joyce Tompkins nominated
Rob Wipfler-President,
Joyce Tompkins-Vice President,
Mike Wipfler and Helga Mueller-executive board members
Robin Ascher seconded the motion and they were elected unanimously.
Old Business
Robin Ascher reminded the group that we voted to raise the dues to $20 but have only been charging $15. The group voted to reaffirm the raising of the dues to $20. We also discussed the signage at the beach and Charley said he would look into it.
2015 Annual Meeting: Saturday, August 22, 2015 at the Tompkins
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Ascher
Minutes from the 2013 Meeting
October 12, 2013 at the home of Charley and Jill Muntz
Attendees: Robin Ascher, Peter Ascher, Charley Muntz, Jill Muntz, George
Tompkins, Rob Wipfler, George Tompkins, Helga Mueller, Evie Conroy, Carlos
Manrique, Barb Fitzpatrick, Kelly Fitzpatrick
Rob Wipfler, President called the meeting to order at 10:15 AM.
Robin Ascher, secretary, read the minutes of the 2012 meeting. Charley Muntz
moved that they be accepted and they were unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Charley Muntz
After all 2013 expenses, we have a budget surplus of $555.40. Our balance at 1/31/2013 was $1455.40. We spent $925/ We have two
expenses left to pay in 2013: the port-a-potty at the boat landing ($150 balance)
and the web hosting ($30). Our dues remain at $15. Lake Armington Association has
dues of $20 because they are saving up to pay for weed abatement.
Lake Host Program: Charley Muntz
We received a $1500 grant from NH Lakes, 400 from the Lake Tarleton Association
and $150 from the town of Piermont. We had 2 paid lake hosts for the 2013 season.
Paul Pihl, a marine biology major from Plymouth State, was outstanding. Keith Ritel
did some hosting as well.
Paul found a Chinese Mystery Snail, which is on the list of invasive animal species in
the NH lakes pamphlet. It was on the cement pad of the boat launch, not in the lake.
We sent it to DES , who identified it. They can’t call it officially “invasive” because the
DES only recognizes invasive plants, not invasive animals.
We had additional volunteers from the community: Robin and Peter Ascher, Jill
Muntz, Helga Mueller, and Joyce and George Tompkins all filled in at the end of the
Kingswood Camp CITs volunteered on weekdays for 6 weeks. 25 CITs participated.
We receive the bulk of our grant as a matching grant for their volunteer hours at
$20/hour plus 15 minutes credit for the time it takes them to walk over from camp.
Counselors Michael Klaus and Nathan White did a great job as administrators of the
program. Thank you Kingswood Camp.
Results: There were 714 inspections, of these 197 were motor boats, 411 were
kayaks or canoes, 12 were jet skis, 1 sailboat, 12 “other craft.” 74% were from New
Hampshire, 7% Vermont, 19% other states. By the end of the summer, 51% of the
boats had the new decals on them. Charley explained that they receive a decal when
they have learned about the new “Drain, Rinse and Dry” protocol and the next time
they come, they don’t have to hear the explanation again, just be inspected. Evie
Conroy said that at Lake Armington they have many fewer visiting boats. They only
cover their launch at weekends and on holidays. Camp Walt Whitman helps ½ day
each weekend.
Website Report: Rob Wipfler
Rob launched the website this week. He received compliments from those at the
meeting. The goal of the website is to educate people who are already here, not for
publicity. It is not linked to indexes. Please contribute pictures, reports, or history.
Robin Ascher suggested we get the word out about the loons and beach erosion.
Charley Muntz suggested a link to NH Lakes’ website.
State Park Report: George Tompkins
The State made some new metal signs in the license plate shop: one says no boat
launching and the other has an arrow and shows the way to the boat launch. We
could still use more and larger. Robin Ascher said there were definitely less kayaks
being launched from the beach so maybe they are working. It is really important
that people understand that an unchecked boat could bring in invasive weeds.
Almost every other lake in the area has a weed problem.
Loon Report: George Tompkins
A pair of loons nested late and laid 2 eggs. The eggs did not hatch and the pair
stayed on the nest with the non-viable eggs for a long time. Lake Armington had a
new nesting sight with 1 egg but it was taken by predation. The loon society said
that the number of loon chicks was down this year.
Piermont Conservation Commission: Helga Mueller
There are already 5 trails through the town forest that begin at Bedford Road. The
Commission is planning a trail that will start there and cross Indian Pond Road,
North/South Road and come out at the Caddie Camp (old Tarleton Club golf course).
Elections: Helga Mueller
Helga moved to nominate the following:
Secretary: Robin Ascher
Treasurer: Charley Muntz
Executive Board Members: Jill Muntz and George Tompkins
Rob Wipfler seconded the nominations. They were elected unanimously.
Meeting Dates for 2014: The next annual meeting will be August 17, 2014 at the
New Business:
Carlos Manrique, who lives on Lake Armington was asked by Alice Wellington of the
Lake Armington Association to come speak to us about the 911 Emergency response
situation in our area. Carlos said that about a month ago on Cape Moonshine Road,
there was a situation where Todd and Cindy Langley were talking to another
neighbor and she passed out and hit her head on a rock. They called 911. The
Piermont fire chief came in 20 minutes and the Fairlee ambulance in 30 minutes.
In the meantime, the woman came to and they talked to her until the paramedics
arrived. They contacted the Lake Armington Association because they felt that 30
minutes was too long a response time. Warren ambulance would have gotten there
much faster but they are not involved in our area, except for Kingswood Camp
and Camp Walt Whitman who switched over to the Warren ambulance last year.
Carlos said that the national average response time is 9 minutes. They have spoken
to Ellen Putnam(from the Piermont fast squad which has 3 members all of whom
live in town) and Bob Garvin (police chief) about the situation and several people
went to the selectboard meeting last Tuesday. Alice Wellington sent a letter and
emailed a copy of it to residents in this area. Peter Ascher told us that when he had
his heart attack last year, it took Bob Garvin 20 minutes to come and the Fairlee
ambulance 29 minutes. Rob Wipfler said that Kingswood was approached last year
by Warren with an offer of faster service. They signed papers to make the change.
There were some hard feelings with the Piermont fast squad but they came to talk to
the Wipflers and all was resolved. Barbara Fitzpatrick said that she used to be on the
Piermont fast squad and that Piermont pays Fairlee ambulance to be the responder.
Rob Wipfler moved that the Lake Tarleton association write a letter to the select
board about the response time. Robin Ascher seconded. The motion passed.
Charley Muntz moved to explore having signs made for the state beach about
invasive weeds and boat launching. They would have to be approved by the state
but Russ Priestly in Haverhill could make them. George Tompkins seconded the
motion. The motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Ascher
Minutes from the 2012 Meeting
Minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Lake Tarleton Association
August 5, 2012 at the home of Peter and Robin Ascher
Attendees: George Tompkins, Joyce Tompkins, Robin Ascher, Peter Ascher, Charley Muntz, Alice Wipfler, Mike Wipfler, Rob Wipfler, Ken Settel, Nancy Uline, Polly Tafrate, Helga Mueller, Lynn Dennison, Bob Dennison, Barbara Fitzpatrick.
President Joyce Tompkins called the meeting to order at 2 PM. She read the mission statement of the LTA and said it was the 10th Anniversary of the association.
Charley Muntz, the founding president, talked about the year-long process of developing the Association and lake host program in 2002.
Robin Ascher, secretary, read the minutes of the 2011 annual meeting. George Tompkins moved that they be accepted and they were unanimously.
Treasurers Report: Charley Muntz
Charley Muntz reminded us that the dues are $20 for members and $10 for friends
2011 Opening Balance $1080
Income Total was $930 from dues and contributions
Expenses Total was $740 = $40 Loon Protection Dues, $300 NH Lakes Dues, $400 for paid lake hosts.
Beginning 2012 $1270 in the bank
So far in 2012, we have spent $850 ($400 lake hosts, $75 goose control, $325 NH Lakes Assoc, $50 Loon Preservation Soc) and taken in a $150 donation from Peter Spiegel bringing our balance at June 1 to $570.
The treasurers report was accepted unanimously.
Water Quality Report: George Tompkins
The water quality is excellent. The transparency is 9 m. (30 feet) which is better than last year, Chlorophyll is way down, phosphorus is low, although it has been building a little on Lake Katherine. Bacteria is not a problem. E Coli is almost zero.
There was some discussion about whether the new access area and road building could have affected the water in Lake Katherine. No answer yet.
Lake Host Program Report: Charley Muntz
We have 3 new paid lake hosts this year: Faith Putnam, John Ratel and Kurt Davis. They receive $10/hour.
We received $1250 grant from NH, $400 from the LT Assoc, and $150 from the Town of Piermont. Of this we have spent $880 so far through 7/31.
Kingswood CITs worked at the boat launch for community service. 9 CITs session 1, 12 CITs session 2. They work in pairs from 3 to 6 PM Monday through Friday. After camp ends, 8 volunteers will take over on Fridays til Labor Day. As of 7/22 they had logged 63 hours for which we get a matching grant from NH.
As of 7/22/12, there were 387 inspections in 9 weeks (apx 40 per week)= 131 motor boats, 232 kayaks/canoes, 5 jet skis).This has been our best year ever. Only 2 weeds were found on the first day and they were innocuous.
Kingswood Camp Report: Rob Wipfler
CITs work at the boat launch 2 or 3 times a week for community service credit. The paper work for the lake host program has improved. Kingswood also cleaned up both sides of Route 25C from the Adirondack Trail to the E2 bridge. They also remove trash and Styrofoam from the lake shore and try to keep the trails open. Ken Setell thanked Rob for the trails near the boat launch. Mike Wipfler said there are 3 campsites near there and Joyce Tompkins said they seem to have had less use this year.
Rob said that the SE viewpoint face of Webster Cliff had fallen off and that area is dangerous. Mike Wipfler said that the trail to Lake Constance is in bad shape and there is a large algae bloom in Lake Constance. Joyce Tompkins thanked Rob Wipfler for Camp Kingswood’s service to the lake.
State Park Report: Joyce Tompkins
The State got a permit and a swim line was installed at the beach. The primary reason was to keep boats off the beach. It is deeper than 5 feet. The beach has had very little litter. There have been more geese in the last 2 weeks. Ken Setell said that one camp has a permit to shoot geese. The state land was sprayed with goose control spray. The port-a-potty is cleaned out once a week and is fine. No camping is allowed there. Joyce has reminded the state again that we need more signs about boats on the beach. She reminded us that the no wake zone is within 150 feet of anything-boats, docks, shore, swimmers, beach.
Report on May 8th Meeting with Camp Walt Whitman: Joyce Tompkins
Present at the meeting: Lt. Dunleavy, head of Marine Patrol; Tom O’Brien, President of NH Lakes Assoc; Joyce Tompkins; Rob Wipfler; Charley Muntz; Jed Dorfman, director of CWW; and Mark Benerofe, President of Camp Group Inc. Three issues were discussed: CWW’s presence on the lake, the noise from the boats, and the wake from the boats. It was a cordial meeting. CWW offered to reduce use of the lake by one day and they have not been skiing on Mondays this summer. They also have muffled the boats and they seem quieter. Lt. Dunleavy suggested trying high performance ski boats which do not make a wake and Mark Benerofe said they would try to swap for one of these with one of their other camps but so far that has not happened. There was a follow up meeting July 20 with Chris, the head of CWW water skiing and George Tompkins, Joyce Tompkins and Robin Ascher. Since then the campers have been starting their runs on the far side of the lake and the boats have been avoiding the swim areas near the beach and the island. The general feeling was that the situation has improved.
Helga Mueller reported that the director of Emergency Management for Piermont, Bernie Marvin, had toured CWW and that the camp will be letting the town use the camp as an emergency shelter and has donated water to the town.
Joyce said that she would let CWW know that we were happy with the improvement this summer.
Loons Report: Joyce Tompkins
Joyce reported that a pair of loons nested, laid eggs and then came off the nest. The loon biologist said that this was due to predation. They nested again and had 2 chicks but then abandoned one and now the second one has disappeared. There has been a lot of adult loon activity on the lake. Two chicks survived on Lake Armington.
Elections: Helga Mueller
Helga Mueller nominated the following slate: Rob Wipfler-President, Joyce Tompkins-Vice-President, Mike Wipfler and Helga Mueller-executive board members. The slate was elected unanimously.
Future Meetings: Executive Board: Sat October 6, 2012 at 10 AM at the Tompkins’
Annual Meeting: Monday, August 12, 2013 at 7 PM at the Muntz’s
All are invited to the Lake Armington meeting on Sunday 8/12/12 at noon at CWW.
Other Business:
Joyce Tompkins said that she had no response from Mr. King of Fish and Game about the port-a-potty for the boat launch. Polly Tafrate said that the Lake Armington Assoc. pays $100/month for the one at their boat launch. Mike Wipfler said that we should ask CWW for a contribution toward the $300 it would cost to have one at the boat launch for the season. Robin Ascher moved to expend $150 for a port-a-potty at the boat launch and try to get donations for the other $150. The motion passed. Joyce also will ask for signs at the launch about the no wake zones and that it is illegal to cross a swim line with a boat. Joyce reported that the state has had a request for a dock to moor kayaks near the beach. There was some discussion about whether this would encourage people to bring uninspected kayaks in that way. Joyce also said that many lakes in NH have Jet Ski restrictions. Barbara Fitzpatrick said that Armington has restrictions-you need 25 people on a petition to the Dept. of Safety.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robin Ascher
August 5, 2012 at the home of Peter and Robin Ascher
Attendees: George Tompkins, Joyce Tompkins, Robin Ascher, Peter Ascher, Charley Muntz, Alice Wipfler, Mike Wipfler, Rob Wipfler, Ken Settel, Nancy Uline, Polly Tafrate, Helga Mueller, Lynn Dennison, Bob Dennison, Barbara Fitzpatrick.
President Joyce Tompkins called the meeting to order at 2 PM. She read the mission statement of the LTA and said it was the 10th Anniversary of the association.
Charley Muntz, the founding president, talked about the year-long process of developing the Association and lake host program in 2002.
Robin Ascher, secretary, read the minutes of the 2011 annual meeting. George Tompkins moved that they be accepted and they were unanimously.
Treasurers Report: Charley Muntz
Charley Muntz reminded us that the dues are $20 for members and $10 for friends
2011 Opening Balance $1080
Income Total was $930 from dues and contributions
Expenses Total was $740 = $40 Loon Protection Dues, $300 NH Lakes Dues, $400 for paid lake hosts.
Beginning 2012 $1270 in the bank
So far in 2012, we have spent $850 ($400 lake hosts, $75 goose control, $325 NH Lakes Assoc, $50 Loon Preservation Soc) and taken in a $150 donation from Peter Spiegel bringing our balance at June 1 to $570.
The treasurers report was accepted unanimously.
Water Quality Report: George Tompkins
The water quality is excellent. The transparency is 9 m. (30 feet) which is better than last year, Chlorophyll is way down, phosphorus is low, although it has been building a little on Lake Katherine. Bacteria is not a problem. E Coli is almost zero.
There was some discussion about whether the new access area and road building could have affected the water in Lake Katherine. No answer yet.
Lake Host Program Report: Charley Muntz
We have 3 new paid lake hosts this year: Faith Putnam, John Ratel and Kurt Davis. They receive $10/hour.
We received $1250 grant from NH, $400 from the LT Assoc, and $150 from the Town of Piermont. Of this we have spent $880 so far through 7/31.
Kingswood CITs worked at the boat launch for community service. 9 CITs session 1, 12 CITs session 2. They work in pairs from 3 to 6 PM Monday through Friday. After camp ends, 8 volunteers will take over on Fridays til Labor Day. As of 7/22 they had logged 63 hours for which we get a matching grant from NH.
As of 7/22/12, there were 387 inspections in 9 weeks (apx 40 per week)= 131 motor boats, 232 kayaks/canoes, 5 jet skis).This has been our best year ever. Only 2 weeds were found on the first day and they were innocuous.
Kingswood Camp Report: Rob Wipfler
CITs work at the boat launch 2 or 3 times a week for community service credit. The paper work for the lake host program has improved. Kingswood also cleaned up both sides of Route 25C from the Adirondack Trail to the E2 bridge. They also remove trash and Styrofoam from the lake shore and try to keep the trails open. Ken Setell thanked Rob for the trails near the boat launch. Mike Wipfler said there are 3 campsites near there and Joyce Tompkins said they seem to have had less use this year.
Rob said that the SE viewpoint face of Webster Cliff had fallen off and that area is dangerous. Mike Wipfler said that the trail to Lake Constance is in bad shape and there is a large algae bloom in Lake Constance. Joyce Tompkins thanked Rob Wipfler for Camp Kingswood’s service to the lake.
State Park Report: Joyce Tompkins
The State got a permit and a swim line was installed at the beach. The primary reason was to keep boats off the beach. It is deeper than 5 feet. The beach has had very little litter. There have been more geese in the last 2 weeks. Ken Setell said that one camp has a permit to shoot geese. The state land was sprayed with goose control spray. The port-a-potty is cleaned out once a week and is fine. No camping is allowed there. Joyce has reminded the state again that we need more signs about boats on the beach. She reminded us that the no wake zone is within 150 feet of anything-boats, docks, shore, swimmers, beach.
Report on May 8th Meeting with Camp Walt Whitman: Joyce Tompkins
Present at the meeting: Lt. Dunleavy, head of Marine Patrol; Tom O’Brien, President of NH Lakes Assoc; Joyce Tompkins; Rob Wipfler; Charley Muntz; Jed Dorfman, director of CWW; and Mark Benerofe, President of Camp Group Inc. Three issues were discussed: CWW’s presence on the lake, the noise from the boats, and the wake from the boats. It was a cordial meeting. CWW offered to reduce use of the lake by one day and they have not been skiing on Mondays this summer. They also have muffled the boats and they seem quieter. Lt. Dunleavy suggested trying high performance ski boats which do not make a wake and Mark Benerofe said they would try to swap for one of these with one of their other camps but so far that has not happened. There was a follow up meeting July 20 with Chris, the head of CWW water skiing and George Tompkins, Joyce Tompkins and Robin Ascher. Since then the campers have been starting their runs on the far side of the lake and the boats have been avoiding the swim areas near the beach and the island. The general feeling was that the situation has improved.
Helga Mueller reported that the director of Emergency Management for Piermont, Bernie Marvin, had toured CWW and that the camp will be letting the town use the camp as an emergency shelter and has donated water to the town.
Joyce said that she would let CWW know that we were happy with the improvement this summer.
Loons Report: Joyce Tompkins
Joyce reported that a pair of loons nested, laid eggs and then came off the nest. The loon biologist said that this was due to predation. They nested again and had 2 chicks but then abandoned one and now the second one has disappeared. There has been a lot of adult loon activity on the lake. Two chicks survived on Lake Armington.
Elections: Helga Mueller
Helga Mueller nominated the following slate: Rob Wipfler-President, Joyce Tompkins-Vice-President, Mike Wipfler and Helga Mueller-executive board members. The slate was elected unanimously.
Future Meetings: Executive Board: Sat October 6, 2012 at 10 AM at the Tompkins’
Annual Meeting: Monday, August 12, 2013 at 7 PM at the Muntz’s
All are invited to the Lake Armington meeting on Sunday 8/12/12 at noon at CWW.
Other Business:
Joyce Tompkins said that she had no response from Mr. King of Fish and Game about the port-a-potty for the boat launch. Polly Tafrate said that the Lake Armington Assoc. pays $100/month for the one at their boat launch. Mike Wipfler said that we should ask CWW for a contribution toward the $300 it would cost to have one at the boat launch for the season. Robin Ascher moved to expend $150 for a port-a-potty at the boat launch and try to get donations for the other $150. The motion passed. Joyce also will ask for signs at the launch about the no wake zones and that it is illegal to cross a swim line with a boat. Joyce reported that the state has had a request for a dock to moor kayaks near the beach. There was some discussion about whether this would encourage people to bring uninspected kayaks in that way. Joyce also said that many lakes in NH have Jet Ski restrictions. Barbara Fitzpatrick said that Armington has restrictions-you need 25 people on a petition to the Dept. of Safety.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robin Ascher
Minutes from the 2011 Meeting
Minutes of the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Lake Tarleton Association, August 7, 2011
Attendees: Robin Ascher, Nancy Uline, Charley Muntz, Betsy Uline, Helga Mueller, Cristin Wipfler, Alice Wipfler, Marti Sutherland, Becky Wetterhahn, Rob Wipfler, Joyce Tompkins, Molly Fuller, Sam Rounds, Jill Muntz, Polly Tafrate, George Tompkins
President Joyce Tompkins called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. She introduced Forest Ranger Molly Fuller who had graciously agreed to be with us and share some of her expertise regarding the White Mountain National Forest. Molly explained that 100 years ago, 1911, the Senator Weeks Act provided for the conservation of National forests. At that time much of our land had been destroyed due to erosion, wildfires, and over-logging due to the industrialization of the eastern US. Molly addressed various concerns of the members; i.e. rules regarding motorized vehicles -- allowed in the winter but not in the summer -- rules regarding motorized boats; size, speed etc -- determined by NH Fish & Game. Several expressed their frustration with the noise, careless attitudes toward other boaters, Loons, and distance from docks etc. exhibited by Camp Walt Whitman personnel and campers this year. Molly suggested that we appeal to Piermont Selectmen and Fish & Game for a speed limit for Lake Tarleton. She encouraged us to stress to them the positive work we've done and continue to do, to help protect the lake; i.e. Weed Watching, conducting water quality tests, Lake Hosting, and general cleaning & maintenance. Most of us were surprised to learn that maintaining the trails, clearing, etc. is not permissible in National Forests by those not on Staff.
Joyce read the Lake Tarleton Association Mission Statement.
Jill Muntz read the minutes of the previous Annual Meeting.
Charley Muntz read the Treasuer's report. During 2010, the Lake Association spent $740 and collected $760 in dues and corporate contributions. Balance at Woodsville Guaranty Bank is just over $1,000. Charley elaborated on Lake Host program expenses for 2011. The Association received a grant for $1,000 for services of Paid Lake Hosts. This was increased by $500 for additional boat inspections during 2010, and for a 400+% volunteer match. The Association contributed $400 as a hard cash match for addition Paid Lake Host time, and $150 was contributed by the Town of Piermont for the same purpose. Total money available for Paid Lake Hosts was therefore $2,050. Additional expenditures include NH Lakes Association dues of $300 and a $40 gift to the Loon Preservation Committee.
George Tompkins reported on Water Quality of Lake Tarleton. Lake clarity improved to a depth of 24 feet, a nice addition to the Excellent overall quality reported.
Rob Wipfler reported on Kingswood Camp issues. Twenty Counselors-In-Training were trained as Lake Hosts. Charley conducted two training sessions at the Camp. Michael Klaus assumed the management of their Lake Host records. Kingswood continues to collect litter from the lake and shore. Rob also maintains the existing historical trails.
Becky Wetterhahn reported that the speeding on Route 25C in front of Kingswood is much reduced, thanks to the new Pedestrian-Alert signs.
Polly Tafrate stated that Camp Walt Whitman maintains trails in their part of the White Mountain Forest.
Joyce reported that signs on the beach at Lake Tarleton State Park had been burned in an illegal campfire. She reported the incident to both the State and Local Police.
Charley reported witnessing an illegal launch of a motorized boat from the State Park's beach. He notified Piermont Police Chief Bob Garvin of the issue and furnished the license numbers of the vehicle and boat trailer involved. It was suggested that we ask Kevin Donovan to attend our next annual meeting to help us better understand how best to protect the State beach from any sort of misuse. Joyce will be arranging for new signs.
The meeting next moved to nomination and elections for executive positions that expire in 2011. It was agreed that Secretary and Treasurer be two individuals rather than one person serving bot roles as has been the policy. Robin Ascher was nominated Secretary and Charley was nominated Treasurer. Jill was nominated Executive Board member to join Helga and George. All these positions will extend until 2013. Rob agreed to remain as Vice President through 2012. Jill moved that this slate be accepted. It was voted in unanimously. A sum of $75 was allocated for Goose Control funding for Spring 2012.
Robin expressed concern regarding the mowing of the grass near their home; if it is left high, might it be a fire hazard? She was advised to consult with the Fire Department.
George stated that the State land should be brush hogged. The next annual Lake Tarleton Association meeting will be held Saturday, August 4, 2012 at the Ascher's home at 10:00 AM. The next Executive Board meeting will be held Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 10:00 AM at the Muntz'es cottage. Robin moved for adjournment of the meeting at 12:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Jill Muntz, Secretary
Attendees: Robin Ascher, Nancy Uline, Charley Muntz, Betsy Uline, Helga Mueller, Cristin Wipfler, Alice Wipfler, Marti Sutherland, Becky Wetterhahn, Rob Wipfler, Joyce Tompkins, Molly Fuller, Sam Rounds, Jill Muntz, Polly Tafrate, George Tompkins
President Joyce Tompkins called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. She introduced Forest Ranger Molly Fuller who had graciously agreed to be with us and share some of her expertise regarding the White Mountain National Forest. Molly explained that 100 years ago, 1911, the Senator Weeks Act provided for the conservation of National forests. At that time much of our land had been destroyed due to erosion, wildfires, and over-logging due to the industrialization of the eastern US. Molly addressed various concerns of the members; i.e. rules regarding motorized vehicles -- allowed in the winter but not in the summer -- rules regarding motorized boats; size, speed etc -- determined by NH Fish & Game. Several expressed their frustration with the noise, careless attitudes toward other boaters, Loons, and distance from docks etc. exhibited by Camp Walt Whitman personnel and campers this year. Molly suggested that we appeal to Piermont Selectmen and Fish & Game for a speed limit for Lake Tarleton. She encouraged us to stress to them the positive work we've done and continue to do, to help protect the lake; i.e. Weed Watching, conducting water quality tests, Lake Hosting, and general cleaning & maintenance. Most of us were surprised to learn that maintaining the trails, clearing, etc. is not permissible in National Forests by those not on Staff.
Joyce read the Lake Tarleton Association Mission Statement.
Jill Muntz read the minutes of the previous Annual Meeting.
Charley Muntz read the Treasuer's report. During 2010, the Lake Association spent $740 and collected $760 in dues and corporate contributions. Balance at Woodsville Guaranty Bank is just over $1,000. Charley elaborated on Lake Host program expenses for 2011. The Association received a grant for $1,000 for services of Paid Lake Hosts. This was increased by $500 for additional boat inspections during 2010, and for a 400+% volunteer match. The Association contributed $400 as a hard cash match for addition Paid Lake Host time, and $150 was contributed by the Town of Piermont for the same purpose. Total money available for Paid Lake Hosts was therefore $2,050. Additional expenditures include NH Lakes Association dues of $300 and a $40 gift to the Loon Preservation Committee.
George Tompkins reported on Water Quality of Lake Tarleton. Lake clarity improved to a depth of 24 feet, a nice addition to the Excellent overall quality reported.
Rob Wipfler reported on Kingswood Camp issues. Twenty Counselors-In-Training were trained as Lake Hosts. Charley conducted two training sessions at the Camp. Michael Klaus assumed the management of their Lake Host records. Kingswood continues to collect litter from the lake and shore. Rob also maintains the existing historical trails.
Becky Wetterhahn reported that the speeding on Route 25C in front of Kingswood is much reduced, thanks to the new Pedestrian-Alert signs.
Polly Tafrate stated that Camp Walt Whitman maintains trails in their part of the White Mountain Forest.
Joyce reported that signs on the beach at Lake Tarleton State Park had been burned in an illegal campfire. She reported the incident to both the State and Local Police.
Charley reported witnessing an illegal launch of a motorized boat from the State Park's beach. He notified Piermont Police Chief Bob Garvin of the issue and furnished the license numbers of the vehicle and boat trailer involved. It was suggested that we ask Kevin Donovan to attend our next annual meeting to help us better understand how best to protect the State beach from any sort of misuse. Joyce will be arranging for new signs.
The meeting next moved to nomination and elections for executive positions that expire in 2011. It was agreed that Secretary and Treasurer be two individuals rather than one person serving bot roles as has been the policy. Robin Ascher was nominated Secretary and Charley was nominated Treasurer. Jill was nominated Executive Board member to join Helga and George. All these positions will extend until 2013. Rob agreed to remain as Vice President through 2012. Jill moved that this slate be accepted. It was voted in unanimously. A sum of $75 was allocated for Goose Control funding for Spring 2012.
Robin expressed concern regarding the mowing of the grass near their home; if it is left high, might it be a fire hazard? She was advised to consult with the Fire Department.
George stated that the State land should be brush hogged. The next annual Lake Tarleton Association meeting will be held Saturday, August 4, 2012 at the Ascher's home at 10:00 AM. The next Executive Board meeting will be held Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 10:00 AM at the Muntz'es cottage. Robin moved for adjournment of the meeting at 12:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Jill Muntz, Secretary
Minutes from the 2008 Meeting
Lake Tarleton Association
Change of Address
Please note: Several people who were unable to attend had asked where they could mail their dues. Thanks to all of you who so generously support our efforts and maintain your membership. Please send mail for the Lake Tarleton Association care of Jill Muntz, 85 Dartmouth College Hwy #204, Lyme NH 03768
Minutes of Annual Meeting – September 28, 2008
Vice President Rob Wipfler brought the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. President Joyce Tompkins was unable to attend due to a family emergency, and Secretary Jill Muntz read a letter Joyce had written to the Association, thanking us for attending and explaining her unavoidable absence.
Jill Muntz read the minutes of the 2007 Annual Meeting. There was some discussion on the motion to investigate the possibility of displaying a sign regarding the 150-foot rule between powerboats and shoreline. It was decided to discuss this issue under Old Business. The Minutes were unanimously approved. Jill presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2008. Income for the year was $510 including donations of $150 each from Kingswood Camp and Camp Walt Whitman. Expenses were $350 leaving a balance of $500.40.
Charley Muntz reported on the Lake Host Program. Final results for 2007 included 546 courtesy inspections paid for by a grant of $3,000 from NH Lakes and supplemented by matching contributions of $2,426. The Program for 2008 was supported by a grant of $150 from the Town of Piermont, and a grant of $2,500 from NH Lakes. As it did in 2007, our Lake Association donated the required $300 annual dues to NH Lakes Association. The program’s staff included three returning paid employees: Susan Kapp Monaghan, Abigail Cushing, and Andrew Cushing; returning volunteers: Helga Mueller, George and Joyce Tompkins, Charley and Jill Muntz, and new volunteers: Polly Marvin and Sam Rounds.
There was discussion about the program:
· Training requirements have been changed so that Kingswood Campers could become involved with the program.
· Didymo (“rock snot”) needs to be cleaned off of boats that have been in rivers within the past week. Is there a way to clean them at the boat launch?
· We removed a weed from a boat belonging to Camp Walt Whitman. Its engine had been repaired at Fairlee Marine and then test driven in Lake Fairlee. The weed could have been milfoil. It was thankfully benign, as confirmed by a NH DES laboratory. A response to Fairlee Marine is needed.
· An article from the Journal Opinion discussed the expense of treating Lake Fairlee’s milfoil infestations. Annual expenditures exceed $50,000. Helga requested copies for the Piermont Select Board.
George Tompkins spoke on water testing results. The water quality continues to be outstanding; so do levels of clarity and bacteria. The acidity (pH) is stable at 6.5. Water tests were taken in June, July, and August; a state biologist visited to enhance June’s testing. The Town of Piermont continues to pay for related laboratory work.
Rob Wipfler reported on Kingswood Camp’s Community Service projects. Trash removal activities from the lakeshore, lake bottom, and roadways occurred. Hiking trails were renovated and cleared. Rob also reported on new construction on a lot adjacent to the camp.
Jill Muntz outlined steps taken to control Canada Geese. Snow fence was installed between the beach and Ascher home, grass was sprayed, and coyote decoys were deployed and periodically moved. No goslings were seen on the area treated, but later in the summer families with adolescents visited.
Charley Muntz described the activities carried out by US Department of Agriculture to created wildlife openings. In early spring, a crew performed a controlled burn of the pasture behind the horse pasture. Officials from the State of NH and the Town of Piermont were given advance notice, and NH DES measured water quality before, during, and after the burn. No negative effects have been noticed, but no test results have yet been distributed. Charley said he still feels that burning brush, etc., near water bodies shouldn’t be performed until documented testing assure the safety: “Don’t use our lakes for Research and Development”. John Nealy said that no additional work was planned for 2008, but that some of the brush between Lake Katherine and Route 25C may be cleared in 2009.
Jill Muntz reported on the Loon Census conducted in July. Seven adults were observed during the prescribed hour of census, but eleven were seen shortly afterwards. This is by far the largest number of adult loons that have been seen in July on Lake Tarleton in the past ten years. The water levels fell so much that chicks did not successfully hatch, leaving adults time to socialize. These water levels were probably due to rainfall deficit, and probably not caused by Lake Tarleton Dam water level controls.
Polly Tafrate, President of the Lake Armington Association, described a food donation program opportunity available to Piermont residents. Contributions can be left in Cahill’s garage until Columbus Day.
Helga Mueller nominated Joyce Tomkins to the office of President of the Lake Tarleton Association. Rob Wipfler seconded this motion. Joyce was elected by acclamation. George Tompkins nominated Helga Mueller to serve on the Board of Directors; Jill Muntz seconded this motion. That, too, passed with acclamation. The issue of electing a second Board member was tabled.
Under Old Business, the motion to display and install a sign pertaining to the 150-foot clearance rule was discussed. Bob Wipfler agreed to pursue this issue and report back to the Executive Committee.
New Business concerns involve a response to Fairlee Marine. The consensus of the meeting was to write a friendly letter to the business, requesting that boats be cleaned after test-drives. Camp Walt Whitman will receive a copy of this letter.
Our next Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 10 AM, hosted by the Tompkins’.
Respectfully submitted -- Jill Muntz, Secretary/Treasurer
Change of Address
Please note: Several people who were unable to attend had asked where they could mail their dues. Thanks to all of you who so generously support our efforts and maintain your membership. Please send mail for the Lake Tarleton Association care of Jill Muntz, 85 Dartmouth College Hwy #204, Lyme NH 03768
Minutes of Annual Meeting – September 28, 2008
Vice President Rob Wipfler brought the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. President Joyce Tompkins was unable to attend due to a family emergency, and Secretary Jill Muntz read a letter Joyce had written to the Association, thanking us for attending and explaining her unavoidable absence.
Jill Muntz read the minutes of the 2007 Annual Meeting. There was some discussion on the motion to investigate the possibility of displaying a sign regarding the 150-foot rule between powerboats and shoreline. It was decided to discuss this issue under Old Business. The Minutes were unanimously approved. Jill presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2008. Income for the year was $510 including donations of $150 each from Kingswood Camp and Camp Walt Whitman. Expenses were $350 leaving a balance of $500.40.
Charley Muntz reported on the Lake Host Program. Final results for 2007 included 546 courtesy inspections paid for by a grant of $3,000 from NH Lakes and supplemented by matching contributions of $2,426. The Program for 2008 was supported by a grant of $150 from the Town of Piermont, and a grant of $2,500 from NH Lakes. As it did in 2007, our Lake Association donated the required $300 annual dues to NH Lakes Association. The program’s staff included three returning paid employees: Susan Kapp Monaghan, Abigail Cushing, and Andrew Cushing; returning volunteers: Helga Mueller, George and Joyce Tompkins, Charley and Jill Muntz, and new volunteers: Polly Marvin and Sam Rounds.
There was discussion about the program:
· Training requirements have been changed so that Kingswood Campers could become involved with the program.
· Didymo (“rock snot”) needs to be cleaned off of boats that have been in rivers within the past week. Is there a way to clean them at the boat launch?
· We removed a weed from a boat belonging to Camp Walt Whitman. Its engine had been repaired at Fairlee Marine and then test driven in Lake Fairlee. The weed could have been milfoil. It was thankfully benign, as confirmed by a NH DES laboratory. A response to Fairlee Marine is needed.
· An article from the Journal Opinion discussed the expense of treating Lake Fairlee’s milfoil infestations. Annual expenditures exceed $50,000. Helga requested copies for the Piermont Select Board.
George Tompkins spoke on water testing results. The water quality continues to be outstanding; so do levels of clarity and bacteria. The acidity (pH) is stable at 6.5. Water tests were taken in June, July, and August; a state biologist visited to enhance June’s testing. The Town of Piermont continues to pay for related laboratory work.
Rob Wipfler reported on Kingswood Camp’s Community Service projects. Trash removal activities from the lakeshore, lake bottom, and roadways occurred. Hiking trails were renovated and cleared. Rob also reported on new construction on a lot adjacent to the camp.
Jill Muntz outlined steps taken to control Canada Geese. Snow fence was installed between the beach and Ascher home, grass was sprayed, and coyote decoys were deployed and periodically moved. No goslings were seen on the area treated, but later in the summer families with adolescents visited.
Charley Muntz described the activities carried out by US Department of Agriculture to created wildlife openings. In early spring, a crew performed a controlled burn of the pasture behind the horse pasture. Officials from the State of NH and the Town of Piermont were given advance notice, and NH DES measured water quality before, during, and after the burn. No negative effects have been noticed, but no test results have yet been distributed. Charley said he still feels that burning brush, etc., near water bodies shouldn’t be performed until documented testing assure the safety: “Don’t use our lakes for Research and Development”. John Nealy said that no additional work was planned for 2008, but that some of the brush between Lake Katherine and Route 25C may be cleared in 2009.
Jill Muntz reported on the Loon Census conducted in July. Seven adults were observed during the prescribed hour of census, but eleven were seen shortly afterwards. This is by far the largest number of adult loons that have been seen in July on Lake Tarleton in the past ten years. The water levels fell so much that chicks did not successfully hatch, leaving adults time to socialize. These water levels were probably due to rainfall deficit, and probably not caused by Lake Tarleton Dam water level controls.
Polly Tafrate, President of the Lake Armington Association, described a food donation program opportunity available to Piermont residents. Contributions can be left in Cahill’s garage until Columbus Day.
Helga Mueller nominated Joyce Tomkins to the office of President of the Lake Tarleton Association. Rob Wipfler seconded this motion. Joyce was elected by acclamation. George Tompkins nominated Helga Mueller to serve on the Board of Directors; Jill Muntz seconded this motion. That, too, passed with acclamation. The issue of electing a second Board member was tabled.
Under Old Business, the motion to display and install a sign pertaining to the 150-foot clearance rule was discussed. Bob Wipfler agreed to pursue this issue and report back to the Executive Committee.
New Business concerns involve a response to Fairlee Marine. The consensus of the meeting was to write a friendly letter to the business, requesting that boats be cleaned after test-drives. Camp Walt Whitman will receive a copy of this letter.
Our next Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 10 AM, hosted by the Tompkins’.
Respectfully submitted -- Jill Muntz, Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes from the 2006 Meeting
Minutes of Lake Tarleton Association Annual Meeting
September 30, 2006
Ø Meeting was called to order by President Charley Muntz at 10:50 AM at the home of Joyce and George Tompkins.
Ø Those in attendance included Joyce and George Tompkins, Jill and Charley Muntz, Barbara and Kelly Fitzpatrick, Steve and Ruth Wellington, Alice Wellington, Helga Mueller, Frances McCann, Polly and Ray Tafrate, Ann and Brad Caswell, Bill and Evie Morris, Nancy and Betsy Uline, Ken Uline, Scott Keddie, Kevin Donovan, Susan Kapp and John Monaghan, and Robert Fillion
Ø A program on canoe trips and lake conservation was presented by Scott Edwards, also known as Hemlock Pete. He recommended several books for those interested in canoeing and adventure, How to Paddle and Great Heart. Edwards shared a winter canoeing trip to St. Regis Pond in the Adirondacks and discussed recommendations for keeping Lake Tarleton pristine. Many of his suggestions are already being implemented through efforts of the association.
Ø Minutes from the October 1, 2005 meeting were reviewed
Ø The Treasurer’s report cited a balance of $191.40 prior to collection of this year’s dues. Three checks were written during the year. $125 went for membership in the NH Lakes Association, $75 went to the state for renewal of the non-profit corporation (every five years) and $40 to the Muntz’s for purchase of the swan decoy for goose control.
Ø Members will receive suggested by-law revisions prior to next year’s meeting,
Ø George Tompkins reported on results of the water quality testing. Happily, the lake water quality is good and has stayed much the same for the last three years. Lake Tarleton, Lake Katherine and Lake Armington are tested three times during the summer by volunteers in cooperation with the NJ Dept. of Environmental Services and with support from the town of Piermont.
Ø Joyce Tompkins reported on the Weed Watching program conducted during the summer months. No invasive species have been found.
Ø Charley Muntz reported on the Lake Host program. Charley obtained a $4000 grant from the NH Lakes Association to staff the boat launch at Lake Tarleton. Two paid hosts, Andrew Cushing and Susan Kapp Monaghan, along with volunteers Charley and Jill Muntz, Joyce and George Tompkins, Helga Mueller, and Charlotte Chase check boats entering and leaving the lake for invasive weeds such as Variable Milfoil. So far the lake has been free of these pervasive invaders.
Ø Jill Muntz reported on efforts to minimize the Canada goose population. This year the grassy area near the state park was sprayed with Flight Control, a harmless but deterring substance; swan decoys were placed in various spots during each week; the state did not mow the lower slope near the lake’s edge and the Tompkins’s dog Niko did her best to chase the geese whenever possible. Some additional strategies were discussed and Helga Mueller made a motion to install snow fencing along the lake’s edge during nesting season. The motion was seconded by Mike DiPietro and passed. Additional strategies such as flying a helium balloon will be reserved for possible use in the future. This year Charley and Jill paid for the spray ($250 per gallon). Donations toward this cost for next year would be greatly welcomed.
Ø Charley Muntz read a report from Rob Wipfler, who was unable to attend the meeting, regarding community service performed by campers at Kingswood Camp. Fifteen campers removed trash from the perimeter of the lake including cans and bottles. There was less than in previous years. In addition they picked up litter along Route 25C. The campers were also trained in Weed Watching and helped patrol the lake for evidence of any invasive weeds.
Ø The State Park was discussed. Repairs were made to the access trail to the beach by the DES dam bureau under the auspices of Ernie Hartley supervisor for Eastman Hydro. Kevin Donovan will check on signs posting the property, which cuts off access to the National Forest across the dam. Joyce Tompkins reported that she and George kept the park free of litter and arranged for painting the barn. The Porta-potty will be removed this week.
Ø New Business – Helga Mueller moved that the Tarleton Association join the Loon Preservation Committee at a cost of $50. Motion seconded by Joyce and passed unanimously. Robert Fillion, local author, has published a book about the history of Lake Tarleton and would like to update and revise with information from the association. Mike DiPietro offered to provide photos of his cabin and Joyce will provide him with information regarding the association.
Ø Nominations and Elections – Joyce Tompkins was nominated and elected president. Jill Muntz was nominated and elected Secretary/Treasurer and Helga Mueller and Mike DiPietro were elected to serve on the Executive Board. Each term is for two years.
Ø Next year’s annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 29. Meeting place to be announced.
Ø The meeting was adjourned at 12:40
September 30, 2006
Ø Meeting was called to order by President Charley Muntz at 10:50 AM at the home of Joyce and George Tompkins.
Ø Those in attendance included Joyce and George Tompkins, Jill and Charley Muntz, Barbara and Kelly Fitzpatrick, Steve and Ruth Wellington, Alice Wellington, Helga Mueller, Frances McCann, Polly and Ray Tafrate, Ann and Brad Caswell, Bill and Evie Morris, Nancy and Betsy Uline, Ken Uline, Scott Keddie, Kevin Donovan, Susan Kapp and John Monaghan, and Robert Fillion
Ø A program on canoe trips and lake conservation was presented by Scott Edwards, also known as Hemlock Pete. He recommended several books for those interested in canoeing and adventure, How to Paddle and Great Heart. Edwards shared a winter canoeing trip to St. Regis Pond in the Adirondacks and discussed recommendations for keeping Lake Tarleton pristine. Many of his suggestions are already being implemented through efforts of the association.
Ø Minutes from the October 1, 2005 meeting were reviewed
Ø The Treasurer’s report cited a balance of $191.40 prior to collection of this year’s dues. Three checks were written during the year. $125 went for membership in the NH Lakes Association, $75 went to the state for renewal of the non-profit corporation (every five years) and $40 to the Muntz’s for purchase of the swan decoy for goose control.
Ø Members will receive suggested by-law revisions prior to next year’s meeting,
Ø George Tompkins reported on results of the water quality testing. Happily, the lake water quality is good and has stayed much the same for the last three years. Lake Tarleton, Lake Katherine and Lake Armington are tested three times during the summer by volunteers in cooperation with the NJ Dept. of Environmental Services and with support from the town of Piermont.
Ø Joyce Tompkins reported on the Weed Watching program conducted during the summer months. No invasive species have been found.
Ø Charley Muntz reported on the Lake Host program. Charley obtained a $4000 grant from the NH Lakes Association to staff the boat launch at Lake Tarleton. Two paid hosts, Andrew Cushing and Susan Kapp Monaghan, along with volunteers Charley and Jill Muntz, Joyce and George Tompkins, Helga Mueller, and Charlotte Chase check boats entering and leaving the lake for invasive weeds such as Variable Milfoil. So far the lake has been free of these pervasive invaders.
Ø Jill Muntz reported on efforts to minimize the Canada goose population. This year the grassy area near the state park was sprayed with Flight Control, a harmless but deterring substance; swan decoys were placed in various spots during each week; the state did not mow the lower slope near the lake’s edge and the Tompkins’s dog Niko did her best to chase the geese whenever possible. Some additional strategies were discussed and Helga Mueller made a motion to install snow fencing along the lake’s edge during nesting season. The motion was seconded by Mike DiPietro and passed. Additional strategies such as flying a helium balloon will be reserved for possible use in the future. This year Charley and Jill paid for the spray ($250 per gallon). Donations toward this cost for next year would be greatly welcomed.
Ø Charley Muntz read a report from Rob Wipfler, who was unable to attend the meeting, regarding community service performed by campers at Kingswood Camp. Fifteen campers removed trash from the perimeter of the lake including cans and bottles. There was less than in previous years. In addition they picked up litter along Route 25C. The campers were also trained in Weed Watching and helped patrol the lake for evidence of any invasive weeds.
Ø The State Park was discussed. Repairs were made to the access trail to the beach by the DES dam bureau under the auspices of Ernie Hartley supervisor for Eastman Hydro. Kevin Donovan will check on signs posting the property, which cuts off access to the National Forest across the dam. Joyce Tompkins reported that she and George kept the park free of litter and arranged for painting the barn. The Porta-potty will be removed this week.
Ø New Business – Helga Mueller moved that the Tarleton Association join the Loon Preservation Committee at a cost of $50. Motion seconded by Joyce and passed unanimously. Robert Fillion, local author, has published a book about the history of Lake Tarleton and would like to update and revise with information from the association. Mike DiPietro offered to provide photos of his cabin and Joyce will provide him with information regarding the association.
Ø Nominations and Elections – Joyce Tompkins was nominated and elected president. Jill Muntz was nominated and elected Secretary/Treasurer and Helga Mueller and Mike DiPietro were elected to serve on the Executive Board. Each term is for two years.
Ø Next year’s annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 29. Meeting place to be announced.
Ø The meeting was adjourned at 12:40
Minutes of 2005 Annual Meeting
Lake Tarleton Association
Minutes of October 1, 2005 meeting
Ø Meeting was called to order by President Charley Muntz at 10:25 am.
Ø In attendance:
Jill and Charley Muntz; Joyce and George Tompkins; Helga Mueller; Dave Staples; Mike DiPietro; Rob and Mary Wipfler; Steve and Ruth Wellington; Frances Mc Cann; Kelly and Barbara Fitzpatrick; Barbara Soros; Nancy Uline; Mr. Uline; Patty Cooper; Will Hill; Scott Keddie; Shirley and Russ Gould; Kevin Donovan (NH State Parks); and John Serfass (District Ranger USDA)
Ø Minutes of the 2004 meeting were recapped by Joyce Tompkins
Ø Call for Membership Dues (Collected $180)
Ø Kevin Donovan, guest speaker from NH State Parks, gave a detailed talk regarding the park. The mission of the NH State Parks is to provide recreational and interpretive opportunities for the greatest number of citizens and visitors to NH. At this time, the state does not have any ambitious plans for the property on Tarleton. They are addressing some maintenance issues with the barn and house. The state has an agreement with the Tompkins who will use the barn and help maintain the area. Will Hill asked about fees and Kevin said the most he would expect would be an “Iron Ranger” pipe to accept voluntary contributions.
There have been more visitors this year than in the past. This may be due to this summer’s fine weather or may be encouraged by the State Park web site. Kevin says he is open to hearing suggestions regarding signage at the park. A committee has been formed at the state level to investigate current funding practices for state parks. It will begin on November 1. Mike DiPietro discussed the need for public opinion on the future of the park. There was also discussion regarding the need for a more user-friendly approach to the beach.
There have been several weddings held on the site for a fee. Electricity is not available so a generator is required. The State Park does not want to overdo the use of the site for events.
Charley Muntz requested that the association be kept informed of events and future developments and Kevin said he will do so.
There was some discussion of putting up swim lines to keep boats off the beach and to protect swimmers. Mike DiPietro suggested we contact the Department of Safety for permission to install the lines.
The Grafton County Dept. of Corrections has done some maintenance work on site in cooperation with the state park system, and that seemed to work well.
Ø Water Quality Testing – Joyce Tompkins reported on the results of water testing during the summer. In general, the quality of water in Lake Tarleton and Lake Katherine is very good to excellent.
Ø Lake Host Program – Charley Muntz reported on the 2005 Lake Host program. Will Hill was employed as Lake Host and the Muntzes, the Tompkins, and Helga Mueller worked as volunteer hosts. The program educates the public to the danger of invasive weeds and the need to keep boats clean. 660 boat launches were recorded. 65% were canoes and kayaks. Most boaters are from NH. To date Lake Tarleton is free from invasive weeds.
Ø Community Service – Rob Wipfler reported on Kingswood Camp’s program to provide hours of community service for its high school campers through the Lake Tarleton Association. This summer a group of campers combed the perimeter of the lake and collected an assortment of tires, scrap metal and many cans. They also cleaned along Route 25C. Next year they plan to incorporate Weed Watching into their program.
Ø Canada Geese – Jill Muntz reported on the problems associated with Canada Geese. The first geese were spotted in 2001 when one pair arrived at the lake (possibly from Lily Pond). The numbers have doubled each year with 40 plus geese on the lake this past summer. Each goose eats four pounds of food a day and deposits three pounds of fecal material. In order to prevent growing problems with litter and bacteria, Sara Sumner who heads the state’s safe beach program met with the Muntzes to discuss possible options. The state will delay mowing the area until late June and will post a Do Not Feed the Geese sign. Following discussion a motion was made by Joyce Tompkins and seconded by Helga Mueller to buy two decoy swans to be placed advantageously in the lake in early spring as a deterrent to nesting. Jill Muntz will continue investigation of an environmentally friendly spray that discourages the geese but does not harm plant or animal wildlife. The motion was passed.
Ø Treasurer’s Report – Current balance is $250.39. Dues collected at the meeting will increase that to $460.39. The only expense in 2005 was $125.00 paid to join the NH Lakes Association.
Ø Nominations – Rob Wipfler was nominated for Vice President and Joyce Tompkins was nominated for Secretary/Treasurer. Both were unanimously elected.
Ø Annual Meeting – The next meeting of the Lake Tarleton Association is scheduled for Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 10:00 am at the Tompkins’ home.
Ø New Business – John Serfass, District Ranger for the USDA, was asked to discuss what is happening with the White Mt. National Forest at Tarleton. He told us that the house on Lot 9 has been sold and will be removed this fall. The area will be allowed to return to nature. All of the White Mt. National Forest has been reviewed and updated in a new plan, which is currently being printed. There are two management areas around the lake. One is called a general management area, which is open to many options. The second is a protected management area with fewer options. During the next round of planning, they will be looking at recreation use throughout the National Forest. Currently there are no plans for changes or development. John shared the thinking that land that appears to be idle is actually growing trees and supporting wildlife and that maintaining solitude is sometimes a worthy goal. He would like to see discussions involving the National Forest, the State Park, and Fish and Game in the future. There was a question from Steve Wellington about forest fires. John felt that the risk is not great. There may possibly be a controlled burn at some time in the future at Lake Katherine to promote healthier growth.
Ø Helga Mueller moved to adjourn at 12:15. Mike DiPietro seconded the motion. Unanimous consent.
Ø All present then enjoyed a generous spread provided by Jill and Charley.
Minutes of October 1, 2005 meeting
Ø Meeting was called to order by President Charley Muntz at 10:25 am.
Ø In attendance:
Jill and Charley Muntz; Joyce and George Tompkins; Helga Mueller; Dave Staples; Mike DiPietro; Rob and Mary Wipfler; Steve and Ruth Wellington; Frances Mc Cann; Kelly and Barbara Fitzpatrick; Barbara Soros; Nancy Uline; Mr. Uline; Patty Cooper; Will Hill; Scott Keddie; Shirley and Russ Gould; Kevin Donovan (NH State Parks); and John Serfass (District Ranger USDA)
Ø Minutes of the 2004 meeting were recapped by Joyce Tompkins
Ø Call for Membership Dues (Collected $180)
Ø Kevin Donovan, guest speaker from NH State Parks, gave a detailed talk regarding the park. The mission of the NH State Parks is to provide recreational and interpretive opportunities for the greatest number of citizens and visitors to NH. At this time, the state does not have any ambitious plans for the property on Tarleton. They are addressing some maintenance issues with the barn and house. The state has an agreement with the Tompkins who will use the barn and help maintain the area. Will Hill asked about fees and Kevin said the most he would expect would be an “Iron Ranger” pipe to accept voluntary contributions.
There have been more visitors this year than in the past. This may be due to this summer’s fine weather or may be encouraged by the State Park web site. Kevin says he is open to hearing suggestions regarding signage at the park. A committee has been formed at the state level to investigate current funding practices for state parks. It will begin on November 1. Mike DiPietro discussed the need for public opinion on the future of the park. There was also discussion regarding the need for a more user-friendly approach to the beach.
There have been several weddings held on the site for a fee. Electricity is not available so a generator is required. The State Park does not want to overdo the use of the site for events.
Charley Muntz requested that the association be kept informed of events and future developments and Kevin said he will do so.
There was some discussion of putting up swim lines to keep boats off the beach and to protect swimmers. Mike DiPietro suggested we contact the Department of Safety for permission to install the lines.
The Grafton County Dept. of Corrections has done some maintenance work on site in cooperation with the state park system, and that seemed to work well.
Ø Water Quality Testing – Joyce Tompkins reported on the results of water testing during the summer. In general, the quality of water in Lake Tarleton and Lake Katherine is very good to excellent.
Ø Lake Host Program – Charley Muntz reported on the 2005 Lake Host program. Will Hill was employed as Lake Host and the Muntzes, the Tompkins, and Helga Mueller worked as volunteer hosts. The program educates the public to the danger of invasive weeds and the need to keep boats clean. 660 boat launches were recorded. 65% were canoes and kayaks. Most boaters are from NH. To date Lake Tarleton is free from invasive weeds.
Ø Community Service – Rob Wipfler reported on Kingswood Camp’s program to provide hours of community service for its high school campers through the Lake Tarleton Association. This summer a group of campers combed the perimeter of the lake and collected an assortment of tires, scrap metal and many cans. They also cleaned along Route 25C. Next year they plan to incorporate Weed Watching into their program.
Ø Canada Geese – Jill Muntz reported on the problems associated with Canada Geese. The first geese were spotted in 2001 when one pair arrived at the lake (possibly from Lily Pond). The numbers have doubled each year with 40 plus geese on the lake this past summer. Each goose eats four pounds of food a day and deposits three pounds of fecal material. In order to prevent growing problems with litter and bacteria, Sara Sumner who heads the state’s safe beach program met with the Muntzes to discuss possible options. The state will delay mowing the area until late June and will post a Do Not Feed the Geese sign. Following discussion a motion was made by Joyce Tompkins and seconded by Helga Mueller to buy two decoy swans to be placed advantageously in the lake in early spring as a deterrent to nesting. Jill Muntz will continue investigation of an environmentally friendly spray that discourages the geese but does not harm plant or animal wildlife. The motion was passed.
Ø Treasurer’s Report – Current balance is $250.39. Dues collected at the meeting will increase that to $460.39. The only expense in 2005 was $125.00 paid to join the NH Lakes Association.
Ø Nominations – Rob Wipfler was nominated for Vice President and Joyce Tompkins was nominated for Secretary/Treasurer. Both were unanimously elected.
Ø Annual Meeting – The next meeting of the Lake Tarleton Association is scheduled for Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 10:00 am at the Tompkins’ home.
Ø New Business – John Serfass, District Ranger for the USDA, was asked to discuss what is happening with the White Mt. National Forest at Tarleton. He told us that the house on Lot 9 has been sold and will be removed this fall. The area will be allowed to return to nature. All of the White Mt. National Forest has been reviewed and updated in a new plan, which is currently being printed. There are two management areas around the lake. One is called a general management area, which is open to many options. The second is a protected management area with fewer options. During the next round of planning, they will be looking at recreation use throughout the National Forest. Currently there are no plans for changes or development. John shared the thinking that land that appears to be idle is actually growing trees and supporting wildlife and that maintaining solitude is sometimes a worthy goal. He would like to see discussions involving the National Forest, the State Park, and Fish and Game in the future. There was a question from Steve Wellington about forest fires. John felt that the risk is not great. There may possibly be a controlled burn at some time in the future at Lake Katherine to promote healthier growth.
Ø Helga Mueller moved to adjourn at 12:15. Mike DiPietro seconded the motion. Unanimous consent.
Ø All present then enjoyed a generous spread provided by Jill and Charley.